Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 28

March 31

Today APPG lesson start lab7 and this is the last lab. Than we left one more test paper and mini project.

Everyday need to eat breakfast to use up my card value. the card value can not be refund

APPG lab7 topic on arrays

Breakfast eat too much cannot finish my lunch

Beside Sasi is the china student clean our classroom

Look so cute nothing to do so take the photo

My dinner and two drink


The people outside the street sell the food so cheap and the weather so cold can really earn money.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 27

March 30

Monday blue need to go for class again luckily class start at 10am.

Late for class I still can eat breakfast can not study with an empty stomach
APPG lesson going to start soon

Now than i know take away need 0.20 rmb next time eat my dinner at the canteen
After dinner doing APPG program lab6
Everyday got so many homework to do. Do not have time to do other thing.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 26

March 29

Today is sunday free and easy so can sleep until afternoon me wake up at 2.30pm.

Wake up do my photoessay

Outside our school got a place for study to bbq here is the place
The dog in white is previous batch left behind

Prepare the thing for bbq all helping i do nothing

The place very beautiful got nice view and playground

Look like thailand building

Let start the fire and bbq


The china student enojoying the bbq so as we. At night it was to dark we do not know what we are cooking if got light will be better.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 25

March 28

Yesterday i sleep at 2am and teacher want us to meet at the gate at 8.15am the bus late for 20min.

8.15am gether outside the gate and it was raining we all hide under the umbrella

Hankou jiangtan garden map is huge still got some more parts of the map

The entry of hankou jiangtan garden

My lunch mcdonald's

Our group photo of ECE

Me and my friend dinner eat so much tomorrow need to go for diets


When china is winter and it was raining wear a shoe that is waterproof. My shoe like water tanks and the weather is 9°.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 24

March 27

Today we were gether outside the at admin building at 10am . To go yangtze optical fibre and cable company.

We have a lot of bus parking over the school main building with us I see only one bus got driver.

My group member so hardworking he is the only one take out book to study for the APPG theory test. Lisa organizer this visit to Yangtze optical fibre and cable company

Yangtze optical fibre and cable company very near my school about 10-15min we reach there

We all waiting for the other group people to come then can go in. The guy in red is the tour guide for the Yangtze optical fibre and cable company

This all the optical cable come in different size

Big optical fibre preform

Coloured fibre and different type of small optical fibre preform

The whole family of cable in the display

This how optical fibre preform use

After optical fibre preform the cable wire are roll into the container

The history of the company building

Before going back to school take some photo of lisa

Mr Chua show us ping pong paddles tell us how to play ping pong. My group member at cute
Are you sure you can finish my dinner too
Today bus driver horn every car in the road is it saying good morning to other driver in the road.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 23

March 26
Today wake up early can go for my breakfast luckily not everyday eat breakfast if not no money to buy the thing i like for the last week. Some of my friend spend too much rmb and now they are trying their best to use as less as 15 rmb per day.
My breakfast look like very nice to eat

Morning lesson teacher want us to do photo essay that a good one. No camara how to do photo essay than you think why i got photo in my blog luckily my handphone got camara 3.2 mage pix

Lunch time eat fried rice you can see all is rice and where the meat and vegetables they hide inside no they forget to put inside

Dinner time they return all the meat and vegetables until i cannot finish it

It raining i still got time take photo of people running.


In wuhan university i never see any people that is overweight they eat so much. Is it eat more rice can make people loss weight.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 22

March 25

Yesterday I sleep very late using all the time doing the APPG lab5 and tutorial 5 paper all most cannot wake up. The lesson start at 9am most of the people rush all the work.

This the program that many people do not know how to do

New bed sheets use my lunch time go wonderland

Going for afternoon lesson walk pass a group of people exercise they all exercise very cute

My dinner

After my dinner do my mini project and report


If you travel by car at night in china most of the place do not have road light and it was totally dark

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 21

March 24

Today APPG lab test at 9am-10am afternoon 2pm come back for lesson.

On the way we saw many people washing bus maybe got big event coming

After the APPG test we go play basketball

This my lunch for the day

Lesson at 2pm wow teacher like that say scare me so many thing have not do finish

Dinner time eat at huatai jie after finish dinner we saw many pool table out side the street

On huatai jie we saw fire work shop can celeb last day put fire work


Today i wear sandals and i walk around all the china people all look at me than until i go to classroom teacher say china people do not wear sandals at school now than i know.