Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 8

March 11

What a morning my breakfast only eat apple. Then go for lesson at 9am for IS to finish the some group that haven not finish that day at March 6. It was so boring like almost half of the class use computer and never see what they all presenting. I also until teacher walk back to the end of the class room than all listening to the presentation. The teachers say that who touch the keyboard deduct mark from the IS. Everyone start to listen to the presentation. Almost 5 groups finish the presentation. On the morning at 10am my group leaders go for interaction for Wuhan school people. We all wait for them to come back than go for lunch. My lunch is Milo and biscuit I use some of the time to see anime cartoon. Finish watching the anime I go for afternoon lesson at 2pm to finish all the people presentation. Teacher says that almost all the people in my class read the power point slide i think I also have because do not know what to say. One of the group cannot finish the presentation because the slide too many word teacher want them to redo it. I still do not know what to eat for dinner but I order a cake outside the school half an hour can go and collect it. I use 50rmb to buy one cake.

Too bad my unit do not have refrigerator cannot buy too much food. If we buy must eat finish in two to three day time if not the food will be damage some of my unit friend buy strawberry we cannot finish the strawberry. The strawberry turn bad and cannot eat need to throw away what a waste. If we got refrigerator we can buy drink and food to store inside the refrigerator.

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