Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 9

March 12

This morning I cannot wake up. My friend wakes me up and it was late so I cannot have my morning breakfast. Then go for morning lesson at 9am. Today is a raining day I feel so cold my leg and hand move so slow. I think I have a cold. The lesson start teacher teach a lots of APPG comment like button, listbox, checkbox, combobox, groupbox and picturebox. I cannot remember all in one sort. Teacher tells us to do more APPG until you learn all the comment. Hope I can master all the comment but need some time. After the APPG lesson is lunch time I have milk tea and fried rice and hotdog. Then we go back to the class room but the class room is lock than we all go down take chair to sit and rest. One of my friends takes out his lab top to let us see movie to kill time. If not we need to wait for one hour plus outside doing nothing. The lesson continues the APPG I take my thumb to save some file for refraction if not very hard to do. Some of my friend take some soft copy form teacher also that I do not have I borrow it and photocopy it. The lesson is about to end teacher tell us to go sport club at 6.45pm to play basketball with Wuhan people. The game was fun people cheer so loud. Ngee Ann people can show all the skill to the Wuhan people the first half we lose to them the 2nd half we win. They were so happy. After the match finish the Wuhan teacher us some Ngee Ann guy want play friendly match just good we got enough people. It was fun but the time goes fast 8.30pm we left the sport club to buy some food for tomorrow trip after that pick up some item. Then 9.30pm we need to go teacher room to listen what tomorrow need to bring and meet at what time. My dinner just eat bread feel sick so cannot eat much.

Hope next time we all no need to write journal every day. If sat and Sunday no need to write better we can have more time do other thing.

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