Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 19

March 22

Going the top of wudang mountain call Gold palace.

Breakfast atxuan wu hotel

Going to wudang mountain again

Take bus about 50 min to reach cable car station to Gold palace

Wait for almost three hour then can take the cable car some of the people still... Climb the mountain better use two hour if fast and slow three hour


Finally reach the top Gold palace

Gold palace view

More Gold palace view

If you buy lock and lock in Gold palace bring luck

Gold palace building view

Mountain again

Going down

Lunch at xin yuan hotel tour guide so poor thing eat outside

After lunch going back to school before going back the bus stop us at place for 10min and there have girl making tea for us to drink

Here is the two tour guide intro wudang mountain and the last toilet break that save someone in the bus

China people like to eat pineapple you can see it everywhere.